Zweiter Versuch (der erste war - selbst bei meinen recht mäßigen Ansprüchen - überhaupt nicht veröffentlichungsfähig), ein blöder Verhaspler, was solls, ist eh' nur als "rough demo" gemeint.

Der Text:

you left to travel the world without a single dime
and though we all thought that you'd be back in no time
you kept gone for years
you took jobs, you begged, and you stole to survive
for deep sea treasures among sharks you would dive
without showing fears

you told you'd worked as a Jakaroo
had boxing matches with a Kangaroo
in the back of beyond - and it sure looks like you
eating monkey stew

you went big game hunting in South Africa
you drove big logging trucks through West Canada
you sure got around
you climbed an active volcano to look at the glow
when it errupted you jumped over lava flow
to reach the save ground


you had many a girl, and many a fight
but luckily things always turned out right
and you got away
in the Amazon area you used to wash gold
sometimes it's hard to believe all you're told
but that is okay


you told 'bout this Hongkong backyard place
where they would serve monkey brain
and eat it with live monkey eyes staring at you
you said such kind of food you could not face
so instead you had just some kind of stew